Git tagging your builds automatically
I need to write a much longer post to explain my thoughts on ‘versioning’ and what constitutes a release with today’s trends of continuous integration, but for now, a simple tip.
I wanted a way to distinguish each build, not each release but each build. There is one excellent source of truth for that which is your git repository.
Wouldn’t it be great if each build contained a full git log of what went into it?.
The magic
We use circleci (but it would be trivial to do with any decent continuous integration server) and before building we simply execute git log --oneline --decorate --graph > resources/public/glog.txt
version: oraclejdk8
# Customize dependencies
- "~/.m2"
- git fetch --tags
- git log --oneline --decorate --graph > resources/public/glog.txt
- lein full-build-no-tests!
- mkdir -p $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/junit/
- find . -type f -regex ".*/target/test-reports/.*xml" -exec cp {} $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS/junit/ \;
- cp target/*.war $CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS
# this doesn't work so commented out
# in favour of an explicit =cp= in the test: post: stage
# artifacts:
# - "target/*.war"
is exposed from the root of the lein war
This is of course only one way of doing it, but it was the ‘Simplest Thing That Can Possibly Work’. And sure, it corrupts the working directory because resources\public
is under git version control, but it doesn’t matter because circleci
containers are disregarded after every build.
That’s all for now - why not enjoy some light entertainment :-).