Managing dependant projects with lein
I strongly believe that ignorance is one of the most powerful tools we should employ when we build software. As a mechanism to enforce de-coupling it is great. What?! Huh?! No, I haven’t lost the plot (any more than usual), I simply mean that I strive to build small components that are as ignorant as possible. The opposite of ignorance is knowledge and the more knowledge a component has the more coupled it is.
So, when it comes to Clojure I tend to have multiple lightweight projects, but unfortunately they can’t be released publicly as they are all commercially sensitive. So how do I manage them?
Despite the mass of disconnected and incomplete material on the web it is actually straight forward (for lein) thanks to the fact lein
talks maven
. Maven uses wagons
as a transport abstraction to push and pull files around. So we simply need to find a wagon
implementation that lein
understands and hook it up.
There are various wagon
implementations, and I figure most people would use Amazon’s S3 and there are plugins for that. Just to be contrary I want to use our private servers. Thankfully there is also an SSH implementation which works a treat.
Using it couldn’t be simpler:
- make sure any machine that needs to access the server (e.g. your local build machine and CI server) has access via SSH keys
- in the project you want to deploy add the plugin to
section of yourproject.clj
- define your repository by adding it to your
sequence in yourproject.clj
Now you can lein deploy <your-repository>
In the project that needs to access the previously deployed project add the same plugin
and repository
As an example, if project-a
needs to be deployed to the SSH server its project.clj
might look like:
(defproject my-company/project-a "0.4.1"
:dependencies [
:plugins [[lein-wagon-ssh-external "0.1.0"]]
:repositories [["my-repo" {:url "scp://"
:username "the-user-who-is-authenticated-by-your-key"
:sign-releases false}]]
:aliases {
"deploy!" ["do" "full-build-cljs!" ["deploy" "my-repo"]]
(NOTE: I didn’t bother signing our internal releases, so I added :sign-releases false
To allow project-b
to access project-a
(defproject my-company/project-b "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [
[my-company/project-a "0.4.1"]
:plugins [[lein-wagon-ssh-external "0.1.0"]]
:repositories [["my-repo" {:url "scp://"
:username "the-user-who-is-authenticated-by-your-key"}]])
Simple as that :-).