The human touch


I posted about a tool called Zero Duplicates and made a comment about how you needed to select each row.

The author found my post, found the mistake I made and decided to rectify it. And they did it in the absolutely perfect way:

  • it was non-confrontational
  • they were humble and assumed it was an insufficiency in their tool
  • they offered a solution and left the door open for further conversation
  • they were just really, well, “nice” about the whole thing.

Kudos to them. I can certainly learn a lot from this interaction. Thanks Christopher Brock!

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Hi Colin,

My name is Christopher Brock and I’m the developer of Zero Duplicates. I just found your post on your blog and wanted to say thanks for the feedback! There was one line I wanted to comment on: 

Unfortunately, this is where it all fell down because it requires selecting each individual row, one by one. There is a clear and consistent pattern in the file name where the original is named <original file.ext> and the duplicate is named <original file 2.ext>, but there doesn’t seem to be any way to tell the software that.

Perhaps I should make it more obvious, but if you click on the circle with the three dots on a file row, a menu opens up that lets you select all the files in the current folder. There is also an algorithm that checks for duplicate filenames, so the selection you want should be made. Feel free to let me know if it worked.

Thanks again for taking the time to review my app and have a great rest of the weekend!


Christopher Brock

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